I have prepared this site in compliance with the forensic deontological code for information purposes of my business. To this end I inform the user that I am registered with the Order of Lawyers of Rovereto (TN) at number 345, VAT number 02017490224. I am the owner of a professional liability insurance policy, stipulated with the company Arch Insurance Company (Europe) Limited, n. PI-28912118j1 with ceiling € 1,000,000.00. The code of professional deontology can be consulted online at the following website: www.consiglionazionaleforense.it.
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If you fill out the form with the contact request, your email address will be used exclusively to respond to your request. Below you will find the information pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 valid for all my clients.
Gentile Cliente,
Dear Customer,
In the fulfillment of the assignment relating to your practice, the lawyer Valentina Carollo is aware of personal data concerning her, in any case protected by an obligation of professional secrecy, which you can communicate directly or that the lawyer Valentina Carollo will be able to acquire in the fulfillment of the professional mandate (including Name, surname, address, C.F., mail, telephone, as well as potential medical certificates, potential judicial certificates, potential judicial history, etc.). I would therefore like to inform you of how your data will be processed.

The Data Controller, ie the person responsible for processing your data, is the attorney in charge, lawyer Valentina Carollo, with law firm in via Pasqui n. 28, 38068 Rovereto (TN) Italy.
You can contact the lawyer directly from this website or by certified email to the address registered to the bar v.carollo@pec.studiocarollo.com – tel. +39 0464 490557

You are free to not communicate your data but if they are necessary to fulfill the professional mandate and related obligations it will not be possible to complete the relationship.

Why and on what legal basis do I process your data?
The lawyer Valentina Carollo processes your data exclusively for the purpose of completing a judicial and/or extrajudicial professional mandate. Your data will also be processed to fulfill the obligations set forth in accounting and tax (invoices and accounting management) and to comply with the obligations incumbent on the professional provided by current legislation (eg. anti-money laundering). For the fulfillment of the professional mandate or legal obligations, your explicit consent is not necessary. The lawyer Valentina Carollo does not use your data through automated decision-making processes nor does it use it for profiling purposes.

You are always entitled to access your personal data and information about them. You can ask for rectification or cancellation (with some exceptions expressly provided for by article 17, paragraph 3 of the GDPR, as in the case in which the maintenance of your data is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to defend a right of the Controller) or the limitation of the processing, opposing in whole or in part to the former. You may also request, in the case of processing carried out using computer tools, that your data are transmitted in a structured and legible format by an automatic device, also in order to communicate your data to another Data Controller.
Your data may legitimately be disclosed to recipients belonging to the following categories:
1. Other professionals (eg. accountant, domiciliary lawyers, consultants), bound by professional secrecy, for professional services functional to the fulfillment of the mandate or to fulfill accounting, tax or legal obligations;
2. Counterparties or third parties (such as banking and insurance institutions) where necessary for the performance of the mandate;
3. Judicial, Administrative Offices or persons with whom out-of-court procedures are set up (eg. Mediation Body) for the purpose of carrying out the mandate or to fulfill legal obligations including the obligations established by the legislation in force for anti-money laundering purposes.
4. External responsibles of the data procession, appointed pursuant to art. 28 GDPR and related to the Controller through a contract, useful, for example, for the management of the Professional Firm.
At any time you can request the Data Controller to know the name of the recipients of your personal data.

At any time you can request the Data Controller to know the name of the recipients of your personal data.
How long do I keep your data?
Your data will be kept for the period of completion of the professional mandate and, subject to any specific provisions that have arisen, for 10 years from its conclusion for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

In the event that you consider that the processing of personal data carried out by the lawyer Valentina Carollo takes place in violation of the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor, as required by art. 77 of the GDPR Regulation, or to take appropriate judicial offices (Article 79 of the GDPR Regulation). On the website of the Guarantor you will be able to obtain all the information necessary to protect your rights www.garanteprivacy.it